We are recognised for world-class teaching and contributing to research. Our faculty are an integral part of our reputation of being one of the top B schools in Coimbatore. Our faculty members constitute of academics with in-depth knowledge in their core subjects. Our staff regularly receive research and teaching development for them to contribute to students learning leadership, and publishing publications in leading journals. We have Faculty Development programmes designed to provide a variety of exciting services and programs for faculty and staff to enhance the teaching and learning opportunities. We promote and support a culture of shared learning of theory and practice by teachers and students. Our faculty also participate in faculty-led presentations, workshops, discussion panels and seminars to constantly improve their skills and keep learning for enhanced teaching effectiveness and enhanced student learning. Listed are the details of our faculty members:

Dr.Shiny CM
Dr.M. Meenakshisundaram
Dr.G.Alex Rajesh
Dr Keerthy B.S
Dr.N.Ramesh Kumar
Associate Professor
Dr. K. Baskar
Associate Professor
Dr. J. Anand Christopher
Assistant Professor
Ms. P. Santhanalakshmi
Assistant Professor
Mr. A. Praveenkumar
Controller of Exams
Mr. N.Manokaran
Asstistant Professor
Mrs. M.Nandhini
Assistant Professor
System Admin